MotherGoose Fables


As young children begin to explore the magic of reading, they unknowingly step into a world of make believe and imagination. We use animals and real life situations to express education and enjoyment and present timeless classics to the children of upcoming generations.

Goosebumps Horror Stories

Children at some point need to know that life isn't all about fairytales and happy endings. Sometimes, in order to reach out to the children or adults for that matter, you must bring out the fear in them. Let them step into a world of which they are not acustomed to. Scare them! Frighten them! Make them believe that order to get a good thrill, they need to put down Little Red Riding Hood and get ready for the Boogeyman!

Video Games

Not only do we interpret stories through picture books and novels, but we also experience story telling through video games. Logic, adventure, racing, shooting, or just puzzles and dancing! There are many different types of video games that also brings the reader into the story by intereacting and controlling what happens during the story.

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